Keeping Your Financial House in Order


We cater our services to your specific situation and comfort level.



Pay bills

We pay bills in the manner most comfortable for you, writing out paper checks for you to sign, paying bills online or automating payments for routine billings. If you prefer, we can set up online bill pay for you to manage independently going forward.


Open and sort mail

This sounds simple, but processing mail can be a dreaded task. We quickly handle critical mail, destroy junk mail, and shred any waste paper with your name or address.


Organize household files

We use your existing file system or establish a logical file system that is easy to use and maintain. We save you time by enabling you to find important documents quickly.


Detect credit card fraud and errors

We review credit card statements for errors and potential fraud. We save you money by cancelling charges from service providers you no longer use, such as recurring charges from fitness memberships.


Create and manage household budget

We work with you to create a budget to help you pay off debt or save for a goal. 


Assist with tax paperwork

We work throughout the year with tax season in mind. We gather and organize paperwork so your tax accountant can spend fewer billable hours preparing your return.